Wednesday 4 December 2013

8 Gifts For Girlfriend Or Boyfriend On This Christmas

First of all I want to wish you all Merry Christmas even though it's still early. Having trouble on what you want to buy for someone special? Well, you can buy for your parents and siblings too...if you want to.. One tip from me, buy what they can see or use frequently. Here's some of my idea which might be useful for you. Enjoy! (^_^)

1. Clothes
You can buy clothes for your beloved one. You don't have to buy the expensive one but you shouldn't buy the cheapest one. Just choose the affordable clothes. Before you buying it, make sure you know their body size. Just buy the one you think it'll look good on him/her.

2. Footwear
If you choose to buy this, PLEASE make sure you know their size. Well, it's the same as when you want to but clothes. Buy what is affordable for you. Don't buy the really expensive one unless you're from a rich family. If not, please don't, 'cause you might regret it one day. As long it looks good on him/her it's fine.

 3. Bracelet
You can buy bracelets either for boys or girls. If you have lots of money, I suggest you to buy a silver or even gold bracelet for your girlfriend. But, I think.. girls prefer silver. But if you don't have a huge amount of money, you can buy the cheap one or the affordable one. Choose a cute one for girls and a cool one for boys.

 4. Phone Cases 
Buying a phone cases is quite a good choice. Why? They see their phone everyday! Who doesn't see their phone everyday in this era?! So, you can buy one for your beloved one. Boys, if you choose to buy this for your girl, make sure you know her favorite color and cartoons/design. Girls, if you choose this, make sure you know what design your boyfriend like. FYI, if you found a couple cases, that is great! Well, I think couple cases are cool.

 5. Necklace
This gift is really suitable for girls. Boys also wear necklace, but it's rare to find someone who wear it. Boys, here some advice, choose a cute one! Girls like cute things. Right girls? You also can buy silver necklace. It's not that expensive but it's worth buying it. If you buy silver necklace, she can wears it all the time.

6. Teddy Bear
 As we all know, some girls like this stuff. If you're going to buy this for your boyfriend, I think, it's fine. He'll appreciate on whatever you give to him. Boys, there are lots of teddy bear you can buy. Just buy the one you think is cute. If your girlfriend have allergic to furry stuff, you can buy teddy bears with polystyrene or seeds or whatever in it (i don't know what it's called). You know what I mean right?

7. Watch
If your girlfriend/boyfriend wears watch almost everyday, you should buy a new one for her/him. If you want the watch have longer lifespan (hahaha), you should buy an expensive watch. But not too expensive. Girls, you should buy the expensive one so it won't broke easily. You know how boys nowadays play right? And for boys, you can buy a watch that looks elegant and expensive but actually it's not. 

8. Flowers
Lastly... you can give flowers either to your girlfriend or your mom. If you want to be a romantic boyfriend, you should give this to her. Choose a pretty color or you can choose colorful flower. Whatever you give, they will appreciate it for sure! I don't know whether girls nowadays like flowers. Just try! 

So.. that's my idea. Hopefully it's useful for you guys. I wish you a  Merry Christmas & Happy New Year for an advance.

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