Tuesday 5 August 2014

Anime : Mekakucity Actors

This anime only have 12 episodes. It was produced by Shaft Studio and based on Vocaloid songs. You know.. when an anime is produced by Shaft Studio, they have this treadmark. The head-tilt. I can say that this anime style is almost the same as Monogatari Series since they were produced by the same studio. I honestly admit that I was totally confused about this anime. I have to read the comments on Gogoanime and after I finish the anime, I still have to read their information in Mekakucity Actors Wikia. 

Main Characters :

Kisaragi Shintaro
Enomoto Takane "Ene"
Kisaragi Momo
Amamiya Hibiya
Tsubomi Kido
Kousuke Seto
Shuuya Kano
Kokonose Haruka "Konoha"
Kozakura Marry
Synopsis : It's about a group of people who have power that involves their eyes. Each character in this anime somehow connected in the past and they even met. It's just they couldn't remember it. It's started with Kisaragi Shintaro, a hikikomori that haven't come out for 2 years. There's a cyber girl living in his computer called Ene. Shintaro accidentally drop Cola on his keyboard and now it's broken. So, he have to go out and buy a new one. He arrived at the department store and suddenly a group of criminals breaks in and hold the people inside as hostage. Then he was saved by a group called Mekakushi Dan. Shintaro was forced to join this group. He started to learn about these people and their powers. They figured out how they obtain the power.

So.. want to know what happen next? How did they obtain the powers? Who gave it to them? What kind of powers they have? Watch the anime to know more. However, you might done a lot of research to understand it. Some people suggested you should listen to all Kagerou Days songs on YouTube and read the manga. Right now, I'm reading the manga! Hopefully I can understand better..

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